How We Operate


As a not-for-profit childcare centre, the Executive Committee of WMCC oversees the policies, procedures and structures of the centre.

The Winston Mall Children's Centre is proud to maintain an undeniably high standard when compared to other childcare centres. WMCC holds a "Meeting National Quality Standard" rating since March 2014 as assessed by The Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

Governance of the WMCC


As an approved Early Childhood Education and Care service, we are governed by the following:

ACECQA - Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority

Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011

National Quality Framework


Our Handbook for Parents will help you get the best out of your time at WMCC.

Information contained in this book will answer many of your questions related to the operation of Winston Mall Children's Centre.

WMCC ToyShelf


It is essential for WMCC as an approved childcare centre to comply with all required documentation to protect the staff and children of the Centre.

Here are some of the policies that are provided to look after our community to ensure safety and consistency.


The Winston Mall Children's Centre is bound by a Constitution which provides the governance for how the Centre operates.

Our Constitution is a contract between WMCC and its Members, who agree to adhere to all the provisions outlined upon enrolment. The document is approved by the NSW Department of Fair Trade.

The latest revision of the Constitution simplified the policies and reviewed voting rights of members to include technology during General Meetings.

It is reviewed regularly and maintained by the Executive Committee and approved at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting by Members.